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Zadarma (Zadarma). the Internet, TV, Communication.

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  Название: Project Zadarma (Zadarma)
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Логотип Zadarma (Zadarma) the Internet, TV, Communication в Харькове
  Описание: The Free Internet in Kharkov
The free Internet in Kiev
The free Internet in Zaporozhye
The free Internet in Dnepropetrovsk
The free Internet in Vinnitsa
The free Internet in Nikolaev
The free Internet in Lvov
The free Internet in Sumy
The free Internet in Donetsk
The free Internet in poltakve
The free Internet in Simferopol
The free Internet in ZHitomere
The free Internet in Rovnah
The free Internet in Chernovtsy
The free Internet in Ukraine
  Район: Internet
  Режим работы: Round the clock
  Телефон, факс: 8(061) 280-26-63
  E-mail, WWW manage zadarma. com
The Internet from Zadarma

For the first time in Ukraine project Zadarma gives the chance to the users to work in a network the Internet absolutely free of charge. Henceforth for an input in a network it is not necessary to buy cards, to pass registration procedures, simply enter access phone, a login z, the password z, and come into the free Internet!

Thanks to project Zadarma users have an opportunity fast, simple, and the main thing - free, access to a network the Internet. It is enough to be only connected to a telephone system in a city where the project works.

Since December, 2006 all subscribers of the telephone companies of the cities of Kiev, Dnepropetrovsk, Zaporozhye, Kharkov, Vinnitsa, Nikolaev have possibility to use the Internet from the project "Zadarma ".

The payment for the Internet is not collected, that is the given service is free.

Parametres for connection of subscribers:
Name of the user - z
The password - z

Phones for dialling:
Vinnitsa: 509-333;
Dnepropetrovsk: 747-000-7, 787-1111, 740-94-95, 79-16-999;
Donetsk: 334-98-81, 334-98-91;
Zhitomir: 46-22-55, 46-06-22;
Zaporozhye: 280-08-09, 226-09-69;
Kiev: 593-14-44, 545-70-41, 455-70-50, 583-53-53, 593-19-00, 545-73-33, 586-81-81, 596-00-01;
Krivoi Rog: 401-3000;
Lvov: 295-68-68, 295-20-06;
Nikolaev: 48-90-35;
Odessa: 729-64-99;
Poltava: 519-200;
Exactly: 43-45-99,43-06-22;
Simferopol: 70-06-22;
Sumy: 65-8888;
Kharkov: 766-03-88;
Chernovtsy: 90-06-22;

E-mail options:
Server of sending of mail (smtp) - mail.zadarma.com
Server of reception of mail (imap/pop3) - mail.zadarma.com
For for reception of mail from server Zadarma it is necessary for you to receive a free mail box.

the Free Internet in Kharkov and Ukraine. Zadarma!

We remind: it not the action, service is constant

If you had technical problems, you can describe them at a forum, or contact us by mail: support@zadarma.com

According to Корреспондент.net by the end of 2006, volume of an audience of the Ukrainian part of a network the Internet has made almost 3,5 million persons. Such quantity of users cannot serve any of existing providers, for the simple reason: the system of payment for work in a network is too difficult (or purchase and activation of cards, or the payment of invoices, work with difficult statistics). Similar problems constrain also the further growth of an audience of a network: to users not always it is necessary to liking necessity to understand in the additional information and to penetrate into frequently new concepts: providers, tariff politicians, billing systems, rationing systems.

These reasons also have pushed a number of large Internet providers together with telephone operators on creation of project Zadarma.

The initiator of the project is company "Express train", but the total of participants of the project constantly grows. If your company is the telephone operator or the Internet provider, we are always glad to cooperation with you. For project development in your city address here: manage@zadarma.com.

Thanks to project Zadarma users have an opportunity fast, simple, and the main thing - free, access to a network the Internet. It is enough to be only connected to a telephone system in a city where the project works.

Many the simple question why this service can be given free of charge interests? The answer is very simple: project Zadarma is interesting for financing to the telephone companies which want that their subscribers used stationary city phones more. Thus a unique way to make use of telephone access to a network the Internet really mass - to make its free.

In December 2006 project has begun the work in 6 cities of Ukraine: Kiev, Kharkov, Dnepropetrovsk, Zaporozhye, Vinnitsa, Nikolaev.
Calls abroad through Zadarma

Dialogue always helped the person to destroy any barrier and to overcome practically any obstacle. Dialogue without borders is the purpose of new telephone project Zadarma.

Thanks to this project each inhabitant of Ukraine has had an opportunity to call abroad without fears for the budget. Zadarma allows tariffs for trunk calls to balance with tariffs of calls in Ukraine.

Zadarma allows tariffs for trunk calls to balance with tariffs of calls in Ukraine.

Free calls abroad (the list of the countries):

Australia, Austria, Albania, American virginskie islands, Andorra, Argentina, Armenia, The Bahamas, Bangladesh, Belgium, Bermuda, Bulgaria, Bolivia, Brazil, Brunei, The Great Britain, Hungary, Venezuela, Vietnam, Guadeloupe, Germany, Gibraltar, Hong Kong, Greece, Georgia, Guam, Denmark, Dominican republic, Zambia, Israel, India, Indonesia, Jordan, Iraq, Ireland, Iceland, Spain, Spain, Canary Islands, Italy, Kazakhstan, Canada, Cyprus, China, Colombia, Costa Rica, Latvia, Lithuania, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Macao, Malaysia, Martinique, Mexico, Monaco, The Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Pakistan, Panama, Peru, Poland, Portugal, Puerto Rico, Russia, Romania, THE USA, The USA, Alaska, The USA, Hawaii, San Marino, Saudi Arabia, The North Korea, Northern Mariansky islands, Singapore, Slovakia, Slovenia, Thailand, Taiwan, Turkey, Uzbekistan, Finland, France, Croatia, Czechia, Chile, Switzerland, Sweden, Estonia, South Korea, The republic of South Africa, Japan.

Councils about work improvement on bad communication lines

Krossirovka (connection between subscribers) is carried out each time differently so the ringing often improves communication.

The telephone set in an operating time of the modem will not worsen quality of connection if it will be included in corresponding nest Phone. If it is impossible for some reasons sometimes for the period of dialling it makes sense to disconnect paralelnyj phone manually.

On old step-by-step automatic telephone exchanges after a set of figure, especially penultimate, it is better to sustain a pause for end of transients. It is reached by comma inclusion in dialled number. In Moscow it is necessary to consider, that first three figures of number specifying remote automatic telephone exchange, are typed at your station and the last of 4 figures are typed already at remote station (specifying the concrete subscriber). Sometimes it is necessary to increase a waiting time of occurrence of signal DialTone (long hooter), having changed contents of register S6. For example S6=7 will increase this time till 7 seconds.

If hooter does not hear very silent and its modem application of the products having programmed control by sensitivity to signals of automatic telephone exchange or use of a command "AT X1 " or "AT X3 " can help, resolving to dial number not waiting hooter.

At connection installation change of value of register S9 can directly render some help. Its increase helps to cut noise, characteristic for the moment of an establishment of connection which can wrongly be accepted for bearing the remote modem. Excessively to increase this value it is not necessary not to pass the most bearing.

On our lines typically loss of a signal for big time or sharp clicks after which there comes deafness for some seconds, breaking normal recognition bearing the modem. The waiting time bearing usually is set in register S10 and value 255 is measured in 1/10 seconds However interpreted by the modem as infinitely long expectation of the bearing. Inconvenience of the given method consists that at switching-off removed the modem from a line the local modem does not give out message NO CARRIER and does not interrupt communication automatically. It is necessary to do it manually.

Restriction of speed of an exchange frequently gives a prize in the general productivity of communication, at the expense of quantity reduction retrejnov (repetitions). To estimate it it is possible on hearing, having left a sound all time included, using command М2 or to it similar. Short retrejn (the recoordination of parametres of communication when the quantity sbojnyh blocks of data exceeds some limit), lasts about one second and sounds as short tone. At short retrejne modems can change only speed of an exchange. Usually modems, with automatic definition of speed, support level sbojnyh blocks at level 2... 5 %, optimising thus the general speed of an exchange. Long retrejn it is spent at loss bearing or arrival too a considerable quantity of errors and reminds initial installation of communication (hendshejk), and at failure can will end with communication breakage. The considerable quantity long retrejnov (more than one in a minute) testifies to a bad communication quality and demands decrease in speed. (Probably, manually). As it to make - look in the documentation on the modem.

Not the superfluous will adjust the level of a target signal defined by value, brought in register S91. Values are stored In it in-Db, therefore the more value of the register, the is less signal level, i.e. is more silent. It is recommended to select values from a range 8... 12. Begin with-10 Db. If according to the remote modem it is visible, that the signal reaches it strongly weakened (-30Db and less) it is necessary to reduce value of register S91. But consider, if the line sonorous lifting up level of a target signal you will increase level of a near echo and speed of data transmission falls. Generally for EATS it is recommended 10... 12, for ATSK and DSH automatic telephone exchange 8... 10.

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