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Gruntorez. Avto and spare parts. A special equipment.

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  Название: Ukrekspotorg, Open Company. GRUNTOREZ. Barovye chains.
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Логотип Gruntorez Avto and spare parts. A special equipment в Харькове
we Realize the equipment on gruntoreznye Mechanisms (barovye chains) for are sharp frozen soft gruntov, chains for the mine Combines "Kirovets", "Donbas". Barovye chains, asterisks conducting(leading)/conducted, plugs, fingers, teeths, cutters and d.r.
  Адрес: Kharkov, street Sumy 4, office 6
  Район: the Center, the underground item Soviet (the Historical Museum)
  Режим работы: Monday-Friday with 10 to 18
the day off - Saturday, Sunday

  Телефон, факс: Ph.: 8067-570-72-82 Dima
Bodies-faxes: (057 731-53-49
  E-mail, WWW www.Gruntorez.com.ua
Грунторез - Barovye chains

Barovye chains are applied for Complete sets barovyh gruntoreznyh mechanisms for cutting of cracks in firm and frozen gruntah or asphalt with f it is less or equal 3 on scale protodjakonova. In addition Chains with width of a cut crack 250 mm can be put. Chains can To be completed with cutters ЗН-5 (for uvelechenija width reza to 180 mm).

We realise nizheperechislennoe the equipment on gruntoreznye Mechanisms for are sharp frozen soft gruntov, chains for the mine Combines "Kirovets", "Donbas":
Chain cutting barovaja BRTSI with cutters, 63 links
Chain cutting barovaja "Urals Mountains-33" with cutters, 72 zv.
Star leader BRTS.
Star conducted BRTS.
Star conducting "Urals Mountains".
Star conducted (kompl.) "Urals Mountains".
Bolts stoprornye 24 mm. A step
Plugs BRTS
Finger BRTS
Finger "Urals Mountains"
Stopper of finger BRTS
Head of a bar Urals Mountains in gathering
Head of bar BRTS in gathering
Wreath of star BRTS, Urals Mountains
Chain key
Cutter ЗС-40
Chain ЭТЦ-165 (alligator) width 160-300мм. With tverdosplavnymi cutters, 56 zv.
Star of chain ETTS conducting(leader)
Star of chain ETTS conducted
Star of chain ETTS shnekovaja
Star of chain ETTS supporting(maintaining)

Production: chains cutting barovye. Updating of chains: "BRTS" 2083.01.02.000-02 Urals Mountains-33 2086.01.02.060

the chain Name "BRTS" "Urals Mountains-33"
the Step of a chain of mm. 88,9 76,0
Kol-in links from piece 63 72
Width reza mm. 130 140
Cutters ЗН-3 (ЗС-40) piece 63 72
Weight of kg. 220 215
Length of m. 5,6 5,47
Quantity(Amount) of lines of cutting 9 9
Explosive effort Q min. 400Kh 550Kh
Section zubkov mm. 26х13 26х13
Term of operation of 1-5 1-5
the Period of storage (usl. № 2) termless termless
Party(Set) 12/15 12/8
manufacturing Date 11.07г. 11.07г.

The enterprise-realizator guarantees quality of delivered production and bears(carries) the full Responsibility for it(her) is ability at correct operation oboroduvanija in Current 12 months.

Грунторез - Barovye chains

Грунторез - Barovye chains

Грунторез - Barovye chains

Грунторез - Barovye chains

Грунторез - Barovye chains

Грунторез - Barovye chains

The note: chains are applied to a complete set barovyh gruntoreznyh mechanisms for cutting of cracks in firm and frozen gruntah or asphalt with f less or equal 3 on scale protodjakonova. Chains with width of a cut crack 250 mm can be in addition put. Chains can be completed with cutters ЗН-5 (for uvelechenija width reza to 180 mm). The enterprise-realizator guarantees quality of delivered production and bears full responsibility for it(her) raboto ability at correct operation oboroduvanija in a current 12 month.

The chain cutting is intended for frozen gruntov

The chain cutting is intended for working out frozen gruntov, removals asfaltnoj to a surface of roads (in gruntah to IV category and abrasivity of soil to 10мг.). On the given chain cutter РП-3 with tverdosplavnoj plate ВК8 is established(installed). It is established(installed) on gruntorez 2086.31.00.000, AT 00.00.000 Грунторез - Barovye chains

Chain cutting for working out frozen and summer gruntov

The chain cutting is intended for working out frozen and summer gruntov with cutters of type РД16Т, RD 16.22, equipped tverdosplavnoj plate ВК8. It is established(installed) on units transhejnye ATM, gruntorez 2086.51.00.000.

Грунторез - Barovye chains

The chain cutting is intended for summer gruntov

The chain cutting is intended for working out summer gruntov to II category and abrasivity of soil to 10мг. The unit transhejnyj AT 00.00.000 is established(installed) on gruntorez 2086.31.00.000.

Грунторез - Barovye chains

Barovaja the car(machine).

The general data about barovoj to the car(machine)

Barovaja the car(machine) represents the specialised technical device which, as a rule, takes places on the basis of a tractor. In this case the model of a tractor which serves as a base part barovoj the car(machine), depends on a choice of the manufacturer barovoj cars(machines).

On a base part establish(instal) so-called working body barovoj cars(machines) with cutting chain H=140 mm. There are some kinds of cutting chains for barovoj cars(machines) which distinguish on seasonal prevalence of application of a chain for work. Among experts barovaja the car(machine) has received the second name - gruntorez. Depending on the manufacturer, barovaja the car(machine) in addition is completed with cutting chains H=270 mm and H=400 mm. Installation of additional cutting chains on barovuju the car(machine) is made in garage or is direct on a work place. Installation process represents replacement of a standard chain barovoj cars(machines) on cutting chains with width of procutting in 270 or 400 mm and does not demand any technical re-equipment of base barovoj the car(machine).

Working body barovoj cars(machines)

One of the main components barovoj cars(machines), is the working body which represents a directing metal frame with a cutting chain. In working body barovoj cars(machines) apply cutting chains which consist of 76 links. The principle of job of working body barovoj cars(machines) consists in forward moving of the car(machine), simultaneously with moving of working body along a vertical plane. As a result of system interaction barovaja the car(machine) and working body arises process of destruction of a ground which subsequently the cutting chain barovoj cars(machines) takes out on a surface.

Kinds barovyh cars(machines)

In the domestic market of building technics following kinds barovyh cars(machines) are most popular: Barovye cars(machines) on the basis of tractor MTZ. The given type barovyh cars(machines) is used for carrying out of a various sort of jobs with firm and frozen gruntami.

Barovye cars(machines) on the basis of tractor ДТ-75. Ideally approaches(suits) for performance of jobs on digging of tranches(trenches) for various pipelines. Barovaja the car(machine) of the given type becomes the irreplaceable assistant in the course of a lining of electric electric mains or telecommunication lines. Distinctive feature given barovoj cars(machines), is that jobs on it(her) are carried out exclusively in rains (autumn - spring), an impassability of roads and in boggy district.

Barovye cars(machines) on the basis of tractor Т-130/170, Т-10, Б-10. Barovye the cars(machines) concerning the given category, with ease perform jobs of any complexity. Strong cutting chains can work even with a ground of the fourth category.

Advantages barovoj cars(machines)

Why the various building organisations prefer to buy barovuju the car(machine)?

The answer to the given question, is rather simple. Barovaja the car(machine) possesses a number of rather useful advantages: first, universal cutting nozzles can break through trenches of the various size, secondly, thanks to specially developed system of removal of a ground from a laid trench to dig out a trench now it is possible in five-seven times faster, and thirdly, base on which the car(machine) settles down barovaja, it is possible to use for realisation of other civil work.

Barovaja the car(machine) works in practically any climatic conditions: from strong frosts to scorching heat. Therefore, the domestic technics is in demand not only in territory of Ukraine, but, and in territory of all the CIS. To buy barovuju the car(machine) it is possible, both at official dealers of the company, and by means of the Internet site.

Barovye gruntoreznye cars(machines) and chain dredges.

Barovye gruntoreznye cars(machines) allow to mechanise most labour-intensive processes by working out gruntov in spheres of municipal building; transport, city and agriculture.

Are applied to digging of tranches(trenches) of a rectangular profile under pipelines, cable electric mains and communications(connections), for working out firm gruntov under building sites, for razryhlenija firm and frozen gruntov with the subsequent carrying out of digging jobs. Also are applied to removal asfaltnyh coverings at road jobs, cuttings of blocks of a ground are sharp limestones and sandstones, at change of trees.

Key parametres of the given mechanisms are the width and depth of a trench which they can cut (from 140 to 410 mm and to 2 m accordingly, depending on updating), and also a fortress of a processed ground (I-V categories, also depending on updating).

Barovye gruntoreznye cars(machines) possess a simple design, ease of operation, high efficiency. Lacks barovyh gruntoreznyh cars(machines) concern: essential expenses of capacity(power); small durability of working bodies, especially with a working ground containing foreign impurities (therefore the question of a choice of the most qualitative, and, as consequence, durable cutting materials, is prime).

Barovye gruntoreznye cars(machines) represent the working equipment adapted on kolesochnye and catarpillars or chain dredges with necessary doukomplektovaniem gidrohodoumenshitelem, drive mechanisms. Also frequently barovye gruntoreznye cars(machines) doukomplektovyvajutsja a sailing.

Working body barovyh gruntoreznyh cars(machines) are the chain bars consisting of the cutting chain with cutters (РП-3), and frames. On a frame are located necessary for a tension of a cutting chain of an asterisk. The working body - the core co-operating with a ground, the device - from its(his) reliability in many respects depends efficiency of digging jobs.

The working body fastens on dredges transhejnye the chain. It(He) can have one or two bars which management is made individually.

For removal of a developed ground the special equipment (pluzhki) is used. The ground in this case settles down along a trench.

Dredges transhejnye the chain represent self-propelled cars(machines) of continuous action. At their forward moving behind there is a cutting of a trench of certain depth and width (the maximum and minimum values of width and depth depend on dredge model transhejnogo chain). Simultaneously to it there is a transportation from a trench of the taken out ground.

Productivity of dredges transhejnyh chain in 2 … 2,5 times above, than at odnokovshovyh mechanisms. Thus, the trench turns out better, smaller power inputs on 1 м3 a ground also are provided. Dredges transhejnye the chain can develop equally effectively various grunty, including not frozen (thawed).

Barovye gruntoreznye cars(machines) and dredges transhejnye chain are economic acquisitions, both for large, and for averages and small-scale enterprises.

For today the most qualitative digging technics is let out(released) by two largest manufacturers: FGUP «Dmitrovsky ekskavatornyj Factory at Spetsstroe Russia» and Open Society «Kopejsky machine-building factory of Kirov».

Production of these companies has well proved in operation, including in heavy conditions. Them barovye gruntoreznye cars(machines) and chain transhejnye dredges make a serious competition of production of the foreign companies in the markets of digging technics and are awarded gold medals at many world exhibitions.

Among the basic models barovyh cars(machines) and chain transhejnyh the dredges which are let out(are released) by given manufacturers, it is necessary to allocate especially:

- On the basis of MTZ - ДЗ-133 ETS, БГМ-1, БГМ-2, БГМ-2У, БГМ-80, МЗЦ-2086, ЭТЦ-1609, ЭТЦ-1609 a DB, ЭТЦ-201, ЭЦУ-150;
- On the basis of ДТ-75 - МЗЦ-75, ЭТЦ-75, ЭТЦ-205;
- On the basis of Б-10, Т-10, Т-130 - AT, ATM.

Dredges transhejnye chain - effective it is sharp a ground.

For today ground working out is conducted by three basic ways. First, mechanical when the ground separates cutting bodies (the cutters, cutting chains, knifes, mills, teeths and other). Thus cutting bodies can be both passive, and active (privodnymi). Secondly, ground working out is conducted by hydromechanical way - the ground thus collapses a water stream (in an open face). Thirdly, explosive way. The ground is destroyed by(with) the gases extending under the big pressure. In some cases ways combine.

According to 95 % of working out of a ground it is conducted by the first way, that is mechanical. The various digging technics having the features in a design, purpose(appointment) and an action principle is thus used. An important role in working out gruntov various degree of hardness dredges transhejnye play the chain. Their advantages in the given kind of jobs are obvious. Dredges transhejnye chain are convenient at operation, have a simple design (as consequence, it(she) seldom fails), possess small metal consumption, and the most important thing - possess high efficiency (up to 70 m3/ch).

Dredges transhejnye the chain machines (bar) separate a ground a cutting part barovoj. Ground working out thus means following stages: direct rezku a ground, its(his) carrying out on a surface and otodviganie aside. Carrying out also it is sharp it is carried out by a bar, otodviganie - special pluzhkami which are established(installed) on a bar frame. The ground as a result taken from a file settles down the platen along a trench.

Dredges transhejnye make rezku a ground continuously at car(machine) progress forward. For one pass a dredge transhejnyj the chain develops behind itself a trench of certain depth and width. Productivity of the given cars(machines) almost in 2 … 2,5 times above, than at odnokovshovyh dredges. Thus trenches turn out better - with equal edges(territories), and the taken ground suits return zasypki without additional jobs on its(his) breakdown. Dredges transhejnye chain are capable to cut effectively a trench both in not frozen gruntah, and in the frozen.

Speed of cutting of tranches(trenches) working body and speed of movement of a dredge transhejnogo the chain choose so that full filling of the ladles which are taking out a ground on a surface was provided. Speed of movement of a dredge transhejnogo the chain is regulated(adjusted) besstupenchato depending on a ground (from its(his) physicomechanical properties) and makes from 5 to 800 km/h. For maintenance(support) of such speeds dredges transhejnye the chain are completed hydromechanical hodoumenshiteljami. Speed of movement of a cutting chain in many respects depends on the dynamic loadings operating(working) on it(her), but does not exceed 2,4 km/s. The lowest speeds are used for cutting of tranches(trenches) in heavy gruntah (thawed or frozen). For unloading of ladles the gravitational way at which the ground drops out of ladles under the influence of a body weight (forces of gravitation) is used.

Ground unloading is carried out on the tape conveyor while ladles (scrapers) turn concerning asterisks of a cutting chain. Tape conveyors transport a ground in the left or right party(side) from a trench in a sailing or in any transport. Basically tape conveyors of dredges transhejnyh the chain have the curvilinear form, that taking into account high speed of the conveyor allows to provide necessary range and lifting otbrosa a ground.

Depth of a cut trench is regulated(adjusted) by means of the special elevating mechanism (hydraulic). Working bodies of dredges transhejnyh the chain cut cracks by depth to 2 m.

Today dredges transhejnye the chain apply in various areas of industrial and civil building to cutting rectangular and trapetseidalnyh tranches(trenches) under vodo - gazo - oil pipelines, tenches of electrosupply and communication(connection), the water drain and teplofikatsionnye systems, for digging of tranches(trenches) under the bases of buildings and constructions (tape) and other.

Грунторез - Barovye chains

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