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Vask (Vask). Manufacture of breadboard models of the ancient weapon. Souvenirs.

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  Название: the Small enterprise " Vask "(Vask)
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Логотип Vask (Vask). Manufacture of breadboard models of the ancient weapon Souvenirs в Харькове
Weapon souvenirs and interiors.

Small enterprise "VASK " - unique in Ukraine the manufacturer of breadboard models of the ancient weapon. The enterprise produces the West European ancient weapon and the slavic weapon since samples of times of an epoch of the Kiev Russia.

There is a wide range of representation souvenirs with national subjects. The enterprise can make weapon souvenirs under the individual order. Weapon souvenirs of MT "VASK " - a perfect gift for real men!

  Адрес: Ukraine, Kharkov, Dostoevsky's 61102 streets, 16
  Район: Center
  Режим работы: -
  Телефон, факс: + 38(0572) 527-022, +38(0572) 507-710
  E-mail, WWW www.vask.com.ua
the Small enterprise " VASK "- unique in Ukraine The manufacturer of breadboard models of the ancient weapon. The enterprise Produces the West European ancient weapon and slavic The weapon since samples of times of an epoch of the Kiev Russia.

There is a wide range of representation souvenirs with National subjects. The enterprise can make the weapon Souvenirs under the individual order. Weapon souvenirs of MT "VASK " - a perfect gift for Real men!

Our weapon decorates interiors of official representations, Restaurants, hotels, cafe. So, he can be seen in some Premises of the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine in Kiev and a staff Military - Naval forces in Sevastopol, at the Kiev restaurant "Vydubichi " Etc.

The weapon made by the enterprise "VASK ", is used in Performances of the Ukrainian theatres, historical films ("the Pray About hetman Mazepa ", " Bogdan Khmelnitskiy ", removed on Film studios of A.Dovzhenko).

The weapon the first, than the primitive person has got and Similar last what the person of the future so it will leave - The weapon.

Being a live monument of history, the weapon stores in itself stages Development and perfection of human thought, reflects Level of knowledge and development of technology of time and always Is in the higher point of human achievements, borrowing all The most advanced thoughts and technological decisions.

And on it it is not necessary to concern the weapon exclusively, as to To primitive means of killing similar. Even if For this purpose originally it also intended.

Separate copies of the weapon represent masterpieces, Created by hands of magnificent masters: armourers, jewellers, Chasers, engravers, lapidaries, woodcarvers and To metal and many other things experts.

As the ancient weapon masters, many samples spoke The weapon were created - "Not murders for the sake of, and beauty for! "

To give the chance to adjoin to the weapon of the last centuries Small enterprise activity "BACK " is called, 100 kinds of breadboard models of the ancient weapon letting out more.

Samples of this production can serve not only perfect Gift but also to be the elements of an interior issued in Original weapon compositions.

The weapon-it for what the stronger sex had always a soft corner in the heart, and ours The collective is constantly ready to encourage it.

Производство ювелирных изделий «АГНИ-Лтд» :: ООО "Реал Технолог Лтд"

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