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Open Company Factory Jaroslavna. All for children.

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  Название: JAROSLAVNA, Joint-Stock Company. Open Company Factory Jaroslavna
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Харьков Торговый ® - FreeOnLine
  Описание: Disposable products
Footwear, Overalls
Batic, Hygienic means
The children's goods, toys
Sleeping accessories,
Blankets, pillows, mattresses
Overalls and footwear
Art products
  Адрес: the lane Serikovsky, 1А, Kharkov, 61017, Ukraine
  Режим работы:
  Телефон, факс: (8-057) 712-33-46, 752-02-25
712-29-89, a fax 712-42-79
  E-mail, WWW info@yaroslavna.ua, www.yaroslavna.ua
Open Company "Factory Jaroslavna" is the company with rich history and the unique technological experience saved up by decades.

Open Company "Factory Jaroslavna" is included into group of the companies of Open Company «Pharmaceutical Firm the Drugstore 95» and is the manufacturer of medical clothes from h/b fabrics, spetstkanej, netkannogo a material of disposable use, bed-clothes of any complete set, pillows, blankets, mattresses, plaids, towels and other soft stock for medical institutions, pharmaceutical factories, sanatorium establishments, hotels, services "First aids", clothes of workers of the food-processing industry, workers of services of service, and also realises technological clothes for the pure premises, special footwear for medical workers.

Highly skilled experts whom in krotchajshie terms will develop new models of overalls taking into account your wishes and features of your manufacture work for us, will put logo Vashogo of the enterprise, or the best samples of overalls from an existing collection will offer.

Tailoring of products is carried out on the modern process equipment. Designers of the enterprise have developed more than 40 models of medical clothes.

Open Company "Factory Jaroslavna" suggests to place orders at the enterprise and guarantees timely and qualitative performance.

All fabrics used in manufacture, are accompanied by quality certificates, conformity certificates, the sanitary-and-hygienic conclusions from the manufacturer.

Now Open Company "Factory Jaroslavna" is one of leaders in the branch, lives and develops. Constantly improving technologies and expanding production assortment, the enterprise was confidently fixed in home market of Ukraine.


The calmness and cosiness in the house in many respects depend on quality and bed-clothes colouring. Executed of a pure clap, it is completely deprived a static electricity and under recommendations of physicians is the most useful to a healthy dream as adults and children.

The fashionable modern colouring, enjoying the person popularity buyers, convincingly prove time of white bed-clothes leaves. Kids become the most active admirers of bright bed-sheets and pillowcases. On a cheerful bed it is acted in film cheerful colour dreams. Fabrics possess irreplaceable qualities: such as ease in washing and durability of colouring. Bed-clothes drawings correspond to the advanced world tendencies in this area.

The fabrics applied to tailoring of bed-clothes contain in the structure of 100 % a clap, air-penetrable, density not less than 142 g/m2, will create a cosiness in your house.

For manufacture of linen bed fabrics coarse calico, a chintz, sateen, the atlas, polikotton are used.

Disposable products

The decision of a problem of application of disposable medical clothes and linen is one of the major socially-significant problems of practical public health services.

The urgency and the applied importance of a problem consists that use of modern disposable medical clothes and linen provides domestic cardiology, neurosurgery, children's surgery, orthopedy, stomatology, obstetrics, gynecology and also salons, the hairdresser's, sports centres, baths, etc. the medical products promoting decrease of probability of entering of an infection at rendering of medical aid in various medical institutions, to increase of the organisation of medicosanitary protection, at liquidation of consequences of extreme situations.

Open Company "Factory Jaroslavna" offers available and under the order dressing gowns, aprons for visitors, hats, berets, bahily, oversleeves, gloves, bed-sheets, diapers, napkins of the different sizes from nonwoven materials.

For cleanliness maintenance in places of public using, medical institutions usually use bahily medical which are made of polyethylene.


The special clothes urged to provide safety of employees from adverse production factors at any time year and thus to be convenient, hygienic and durable. For this reason to special clothes increased requirements are shown. For manufacturing oezhdy for protection from obshcheproizvodstvennyh pollution "JAroslavna" uses fabrics: coarse calico bleached, gladkokrashennuju, a diagonal, "Greta", "Orton", dzhinsa, "Prime minister", "Euro", etc.

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