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Chornuhinsky literary - a memorial museum G.S.Skovorody's name
Русский | Українська | English  
the Address:
Ukraine, the Poltava area, pgt the Seamy side, Lenin's street 45

8(05340) 51-4-73 , e-mail: museum_skovoroda@mail.ru

The museum works:
With 8 to 17, Lunch break with 12 to 13. The day off Saturday and Sunday

Chornuhinsky literary - a memorial museum G.S.Skovorody's name
Grigory Savvich

Grigory Savvich
Frying pan

Was born
on November, 22nd
(On December, 3rd) 1722

Has died
On October, 29th
(On November, 9th) 1794

G.S.Skovorody's Chornuhinsky literary-memorial museum G.S.Skovorody's Chornuhinsky literary-memorial museum Lenin's street 45 pgt the Seamy side the Poltava area Ukraine 37100 Phone: 8 (05340) 51-4-73 G.S.Skovorody's Literary-memorial museum with memorial manor of parents has been opened in 1972 to 250 letiju from the date of a birth of the outstanding philosopher on its native land, in settlement of the Seamy side of the Poltava area (Ukriana)

The first hall of a museum exposition is short, but old and rich history of settlement of the Seamy side in documents, maps, life subjects.

Four tell other about a creative life of philosopher Grigory Skovorody, since barefoot chernuhinskogo the childhood. In Kievo-Mogeljanskoj academies with breaks on service at an imperial court yard in a choral chapel and about a trip to Europe tell materials of the fourth hall of a museum about the study period.

Among exhibits of the fifth hall a copy of autographs of G.S.Skovorody, the edition of compositions of the philosopher, among which first collection of his compositions, photos from a burial place in village Skovorodinovka. The received information on the period of the childhood of Grigory Skovorody is supplemented successfully with the memorial Manor of his parents, which includes the house, (klunju, komoru), a well-crane. All court yard is fenced tynom. The house as economic construction, is filled by subjects which remember heat of hands of contemporaries of the Genius.

Chornuhinsky literary - a memorial museum of a name of Grigory Savvicha Skovorody Chornuhinsky literary - a memorial museum of a name of Grigory Savvicha Skovorody Chornuhinsky literary - a memorial museum of a name of Grigory Savvicha Skovorody Chornuhinsky literary - a memorial museum of a name of Grigory Savvicha Skovorody
Chornuhinsky literary - a memorial museum of a name of Grigory Savvicha Skovorody Chornuhinsky literary - a memorial museum of a name of Grigory Savvicha Skovorody Chornuhinsky literary - a memorial museum of a name of Grigory Savvicha Skovorody Chornuhinsky literary - a memorial museum of a name of Grigory Savvicha Skovorody
Chornuhinsky literary - a memorial museum of a name of Grigory Savvicha Skovorody Chornuhinsky literary - a memorial museum of a name of Grigory Savvicha Skovorody Chornuhinsky literary - a memorial museum of a name of Grigory Savvicha Skovorody Chornuhinsky literary - a memorial museum of a name of Grigory Savvicha Skovorody
Chornuhinsky literary - a memorial museum of a name of Grigory Savvicha Skovorody Chornuhinsky literary - a memorial museum of a name of Grigory Savvicha Skovorody Chornuhinsky literary - a memorial museum of a name of Grigory Savvicha Skovorody Chornuhinsky literary - a memorial museum of a name of Grigory Savvicha Skovorody
Chornuhinsky literary - a memorial museum of a name of Grigory Savvicha Skovorody Chornuhinsky literary - a memorial museum of a name of Grigory Savvicha Skovorody Chornuhinsky literary - a memorial museum of a name of Grigory Savvicha Skovorody Chornuhinsky literary - a memorial museum of a name of Grigory Savvicha Skovorody

Museum funds total more than 5000 exhibits. Among them: G.Skovorody's bust of sculptor Kavaleridze, sculptural izoborazhenie the philosopher from a tree of the author of V.Znoby, kobza (ХVIII a century), cloths of artists with G.Skovorody's images, copies of documents and Grigory Skovorody's autographs, subjects of a life and clothes kozakov and peasants ХVIII of a century.

We invite to visit G.S.Skovorody's literary-memorial museum on its native land, In Seamy side settlement of all who is not indifferent to history of the edge, whose roots vplelis In the past of our people who wants, following the philosopher to learn true in itself.

Our address:

Chornuhinsky literary-memorial G.S.Skovorody's museum

Street of Lenin 45, pgt the Chernuhi, Poltava area, Ukraine, 37100

Phone: 8(05340) 51-4-73, e-mail: museum_skovoroda@mail.ru

The museum works:
With 8 to 17 ( Lunch break with 12 to 13), the day off Saturday, Sunday

Grigory Skovoroda was born on November, 22nd (on December, 3rd) in village of the Seamy side of the Poltava province (nowadays Chernuhinsky area of the Poltava area of Ukraine) in a prosperous family of the Cossack. At first studied in the Kiev spiritual academy, and then has been sent in a court singing chapel (to St.-Petersburg). the Biography

Grigory Skovoroda was born on November, 22nd (on December, 3rd) in village of the Seamy side of the Poltava province (nowadays Chernuhinsky area of the Poltava area of Ukraine) in a prosperous family of the Cossack. At first studied in the Kiev spiritual academy, and then has been sent in a court singing chapel (to St.-Petersburg).

In 1744 has received dismissal from a post of the chorister, in a rank court ustavshchika, and has got over to Kiev to continue training in academy. Wishing postranstvovat on the world, pretended to be the madman owing to what has been excluded from bursy. Soon as the churchman at the general Vishnevsky has gone abroad. For three years has visited Poland, Hungary (was in Tokae), Austria (according to some information, also in Italy and Germany), has mastered several languages, including Latin, Ancient Greek, Hebrew and German. Knew as ancient, and novoevropejskuju philosophy. In the beginning 1750 taught poetics in Rejaslavsky seminary, was also the house teacher. Has written for seminary «the Management about poetry»; when perejaslavsky a bishop has demanded, that the Frying pan taught a subject on olden time, the Frying pan has disagreed, owing to what has been dismissed. In 1759-1769 taught in Kharkov Kollegiume. For not orthodox thoughts, besides interpreted in prevratnom sense, has been twice discharged of job, but came back. Being it is discharged in third time, already to teaching activity has not returned. Grigory Skovoroda on a denomination 500 uah griven Ukraine

The next years the Frying pan generally conducted a life of the wandering philosopher-seminary student, wandering on Slobodsky Ukraine, stopping in country log huts. He refused posts offered it and employment, devoting time to lecture of people of morals - both a word, and the way of life. Works of the philosopher were not printed during lifetime. Wrote in book tserkovno-slavic language.

Has died on October, 29th (on November, 9th) 1794 in village the Sir-ivanovka of the Kharkov province (village nowadays Skovorodinovka of Zolochevsky area of the Kharkov area).  

2009 (c) Chornuhinsky literary - a memorial museum Grigory Savvicha Skovorody's name