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the Family from A to Z. All for children, Club family leisure.

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  Название: the FAMILY FROM A TO Z
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Логотип the Family from A to Z All for children,  Club family leisure в Харькове
  Описание: Family club
  Адрес: 61022, Kharkov, Boris Chichibabina's street, 1, 1st floor
61022, Kharkov, street the Sumy, 45, 4th floor, to. 10

  Телефон, факс: (8-057) 717-20-91, 717-55-74, 717-55-84
  E-mail, WWW www.semya.org.ua
«The Family from And to I» For those who else is not familiar with us, we hasten to tell: Family our young enough, amicable and prolific. It has all preconditions to become a sprawling family tree.

Structure Family includes public organisation, family club and the television studio, carrying, as well as the general name - «the Family from And to I» is necessary to members of one family. Mother-foundress «Families from And to I» is Valentina Chichkun - very nice young and vigorous woman constantly aspiring to knowledge of different aspects of a life and able to carry away the ideas. When was born Валина the daughter, there was also an idea to create the television program helping parents to find answers to many questions. So television studio - in big Family.

Desire to help women to give birth to children in pleasure, instead of has tormently given a push to the basis of club for the future parents who have returned in due course there already with the kids, having expanded its activity. Growth of a network of clubs on cities of Ukraine and aspiration to change obstetric aid system as a whole have served as an occasion to the public organisation basis. Here in brief and all chronology «Families from And to I». There are passed only its first letters. And further … Travelling on pages of this site, you can be convinced that plans and work at «Family» more many. We will be glad to co-operate and with you.

Our site offers you the information on pregnancy and sorts, on how to sorts to be prepared, and also about selection of nurses and art therapy. You can learn more about family sorts and about support in sorts. We hope, that the information on questions перинатальной psychology, chest feeding, early development of children and children's psychology also will be useful.

And interested persons always to be well informed about last events will get acquainted with the schedule of seminars and trainings for experts in our family club, learn about our projects in the field of the reproductive rights, and also about experience of acquaintance to obstetric aid system in Holland within the limits of the project «Freedom in choosing». Besides, you can study publications of known French accoucheur Michel Odena. Well, and «the Family from And to I» waits for admirers of the teleprogram fascinating acquaintance to the television studio with the same name.

FAMILY FROM And TO I, Kharkov Societies. org-tsija
61022, Kharkov, street the Sumy, 45, 4th floor, to. 10
Bodies.: 7175584
Fax: 7175574

61022, Kharkov, street the Sumy, 45, 4th floor, to. 10
Bodies.: 7175584
Fax: 7175574
Audio - video production - manufacture
TV, broadcasting companies and studios


Chichkun Valentina

The head of the Kharkov public organisation «the Family from And to I», the head of the club with the same name for the future and young parents, and also television studio «the Family from And to I» - the person very vigorous and carried away. The ideologist on all questions. Is ready to help with an embodiment of any interesting ideas.
Contact Valentina you can on
bodies. (057) 717 55 84. e-mail: semya@semya.org.ua

Pintusevich Michael

The general producer of television studio «the Family from And to I», its financial support and a support. Despite improbable employment, it is always ready to consider any interesting offer and to find a way to make its favourable to both parties.
to Share the ideas with Michael it is possible on
bodies. (057) 717 55 84. e-mail: semya@semya.org.ua

Burdejnjuk Anna

The sales manager of television studio «the Family from And to I», the producer of the teleprogram «the Family from And to I» - the person very important and necessary, therefore very occupied. If you wish to co-operate with us, address to Anna on
bodies. (044) 295-60-47, e-mail: semya@semya.org.ua

Seroshtanova Natalia

The editor-in-chief and the manager of television studio, and also the leader of the program «the Family from And to I» - the person not less important and necessary, always with enthusiasm participating in an embodiment of any interesting ideas and ready to answer you on
bodies. (057) 717 55 74, e-mail: semya@semya.org.ua

Khristenko Ella

the manager of club «the Family from And to I»: co-ordinates work of all its directions. It is ready to answer any your questions on
bodies. (057) 717-20-91

The Kharkov public organisation «the Family from And to I» Education mentally and physically healthy person, since the pre-natal period of its development, and also formation and support of public initiatives in the field of motherhood, revival of the Ukrainian nation and rising generation protection - the future of Ukraine sets as the purpose.

The primary goals of the organisation are:
- Formation at the population of the conscious relation to pregnancy, sorts;
- Assistance to creation of the centres for work with parents on preparation for family, natural sorts;
- Creation of conditions in existing medical institutions and creation of new establishments for carrying out of family and natural soft sorts;
- Propagation of chest feeding and creation of services for granting of the help concerning chest feeding;
- Creation of services information, psychological, social and medical aid to women after sorts;
- Propagation of education of the healthy child since the first days of his life;
- Popularisation of a healthy way of life in mass media;
- Informing on the rights and rendering assistance on protection of these rights to pregnant women and their partners.

Creation of alternative service of the help to young families

The purpose - formation of the rallied professional and productive command of adherents of the service directed on correct leaving and education of children of early age.

Target group:
- The doctors who temporarily are not working;
- The teachers who temporarily are not working;
- Housewives with higher education (medical, pedagogical), having children.

- Training of 20 experts which will help families with questions of leaving and education of children and to train experts in leaving and education of children of early age;
- Training to psychological dialogue with adults and children;
- Increase of a self-estimation of participants;
- Training to work in a command;
- Training of the organisation of working hours.


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