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VLADI (Vladi) Production of woolen rugs and blankets in Kharkiv. PE HPTF.

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  Название: TM «VLADI», «Kharkiv Spinning and Weaving Mill»
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Логотип VLADI (Vladi) Production of woolen rugs and blankets in Kharkiv PE HPTF в Харькове
«VLADI» produces woolen rugs and blankets of the highest quality.
pure wool and wool blend blankets and throws, blankets and wraps, quilts and mattresses. All products of the best New Zealand wool and Ukrainian sheep, alpaca, and wool with the addition of acrylic.
  Адрес: 61157, Kharkov, ul. Textile, 18
  Район: October district, Dikanevka
  Режим работы:
  Телефон, факс: Reception: +38 057 783 95 38
Sales: +38 057 783 99 37 (fax)
Supply department: +38 057 735 24 40

  E-mail, WWW www.vladi.ua
Kharkiv Spinning and Weaving Mill (PE "HPTF, TM «VLADI») produces high-quality rugs, blankets and bedspreads. Products are made from the best of New Zealand sheep wool, alpaca and wool with the addition of acrylic. Blankets and quilts are different original design, a variety of colors and consistently high quality.

Wool blankets «VLADI» high quality and refinement. Most of them are 100% made of high quality New Zealand virgin wool sheep. Only natural wool allows more natural body heat, creating a comfortable and cozy for sleep and rest at any time of year. Woolen blankets protect against colds and do not cause allergies.

Acrylic blankets - very rich in color solutions product made from 100% acrylic. Their dignity - softness, practicality and an affordable price. These products are unpretentious and can be operated for a long time without losing its appeal. Very good for a country cottage or country house. Have good quality, perfectly warm in cool weather.

Wool blankets , offered by «VLADI», made from natural wool the best quality. Throughout the world, highly valued products such as wool NZ sheep - an ecologically pure hypoallergenic material. During the operation the blankets do not lose brightness of color, shape and heat-shielding properties. They remain permanently fluffy, gentle and pleasing to the body. Such blanket completely prick and irritate the skin.

Checkered bedspreads are made from 100% acrylic. This makes it very practical to use, so as acrylic perfectly retains its shape and color for a long time. An interesting design decision structures covered and a variety of colors - a perfect choice for your vacation at the cottage or home. You get the warmth, comfort, beauty and comfort at an affordable price.

Quilts perfect body retain heat during rest and sleep. Wool, a part of their composition, makes these products lighter and durable. The distinctive quality of our products - the ability to absorb moisture, which creates additional comfort. Quilts made from sheep's wool, are a very good option for a cold winter in our region. Outside covered with blankets cotton natural fabric at the edges - are covered with tape.

Company Store TM Vlad (PE "HPTF»)
Ukraine, Kharkov, ul. Plekhanov, 39
Tel.: +38 057 755 37 31
Mob. Tel.: +38 050 647 83 6

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