Metro Kharkov consists of 3 separate lines, length of 38.1 km and 29 stations with three interchange nodes:
- Holodnogorsko Zavod subway line - 17 km (13 stations)
- Saltovskiy subway line - 10 miles (8 stations)
- Alekseevskaya subway line - 11.1 miles (8 stations)
The three lines are mutually disjoint, which allows passengers to travel between two stations on different lines in any direction with minimal time and with only one transplant.
Time travel passengers distance between end stations Holodnogorsko Zavod subway line is 29 minutes, Saltovskiy subway line - 18 minutes, Alexeyev Kharkiv subway lines - 17 minutes.
Transportation of passengers carried by two electrodepot: on Holodnogorsko - manufacturer and Alekseevskoy Lines - depot "Moscow" and Saltovskiy line - depot Saltov "with a total fleet inventory of more than 300 subway cars.
Map of Metro in Kharkov (Kharkiv Metro)
Kharkiv Metro Station
Holodnogorsko-Factory Line Kharkiv Metro (Ukr Holodnogіrsko-Zavodska lіnіya) (old name - Sverdlovsk Factory Line) - the first line of the Kharkiv metro connects the street Poltava Shlyakh (Cold Mountain) and area plants along Moskovsky Avenue (Tile Factory) to the city center of Kharkov.
«Cold Mountain» (Cold Mountain)
«South Station» (Pivdennyi Station)
«Central Market» (Central rinok)
«Sovetskaya» (Radyanska)
«Gagarin Avenue» (Prospect Gagarіna)
«Sports» (Sport)
«Malyshev Plant» (plant іmenі Malisevo)
«Moskovsky Prospekt» (Moskovsky Prospekt)
«Marshal Zhukov» (Іmenі Marshal Zhukov)
«Red Army» (Radyanskoї armії)
«Name AS Maselskogo» (Іmenі OS Maselskogo )
«Tractor Plant» (Tractor zavod)
«Proletarian» (Proletarska)
Saltovskiy line - Kharkiv subway line linking the Saltovskiy zhilmassiv to the city center of Kharkov (Constitution Square and Freedom Square).
«Heroes of Labour» (Geroїv pratsі)
«Student» (Studentska)
«Akademika Pavlova» (Akademіka Pavlova)
«Academica Barabashova» (Akademіka Barabashova)
«Kiev» (Ukr Kiїvska)
«Pushkinskaya» (Pushkіnska)
«University» (Unіversitet)
«Historical Museum» (Іstorichny Museum)
Alekseevskaya line - Kharkiv subway line linking the zhilmassivy Alekseevka and Pauls Field to the city center of Kharkov.
«Alekseevskaya» (Oleksіїvska)
«August 23» (23 Serpnya)
«Botanical Garden» (Botanіchny garden)
«Science» (Naukova)
«Derzhprom» (Derzhprom)
«Architect Beketova» (Arhіtektora Beketova)
«Space Rebellion» (Ploscha insurrection)
«Metrostroiteley name Vashchenko»
(Metrobudіvnikіv іmenі Vashchenko)
Guide Kharkiv Metro
CEO Metro
KARAMSHUK Mikhail is +38 (057) 730-34-04
Secretary of Director General
Kharchenko Larisa D. t. +38 (057) 731-59-83, 731-21-41 (F)
Chief Engineer
Shtanko Sergey is +38 (057) 730-34-04
Deputy Director Metro personnel and legal issues
Yuri Baranov S. t. +38 (057) 730-34-60
Deputy Director Metro
Sergei Stepanovich Karpenko is +38 (057) 730-33-25
Deputy Director Metro
Musa Maksim is +38 (057) 731-59-83
Deputy Director General of underground manual
Horned Drobin is +38 (057) 731-59-83
Deputy Director Metro
Pilipchuk Michael D. t. +38 (057) 731-21-41 (r)
Advertising in Metro Kharkov.
Head of Advertising and Graphic Arts:
Artemenko Marina tel. +38 (057) 730-38-86