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Ukrtelecom Kharkov (Ukrtelecom). Internet OGO in Kharkiv. Internet and telephony.

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  Название: Kharkiv Branch LLC Ukrtelecom
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Логотип Ukrtelecom Kharkov (Ukrtelecom). Internet OGO in Kharkiv Internet and telephony в Харькове
Kharkiv branch of Ukrtelecom is the most powerful telecommunications operator in the area, it occupies a leading position among the branches of Ukrtelecom in terms of teledensity, the introduction of new technologies and provide a wide range of modern telecommunication services .
  Адрес: Ukraine, Kharkov, 61002, st. Ivanova, 7 / 9
  Район: Metro Architect Beketova
  Режим работы: -
  Телефон, факс: 176 or (057) 777-00-51, 99-09-111
0-800-506-800, 8-800-507-05-50 (hours)
  E-mail, WWW www.ukrtelecom.ua, my.ukrtelecom.ua
Kharkiv Branch Ukrtelecom » is the only telecommunications operator that provides a full range of telecommunications services from traditional telephony to the mobile Internet and mobile video.

Kharkiv branch of Ukrtelecom in Kharkov offers the most advanced services: data transmission and the construction of virtual private networks, videoconferencing, mobile communication services under the new standard TM Utel, in particular innovation - a video call, mobile Internet with speeds up to 3.6 Mbps, sending SMS to fixed line phone numbers, and many other quality services.

Services Internet access from Ukrtelecom - service "OGO" (broadband access via ADSL - Technology). Such technology is revolutionary because it allows access to the global network at speeds up to 8 megabits per second over existing phone lines, and the subscriber has the ability to simultaneously enjoy and telephone. Previously, access to these rates may be established only through a dedicated communication line, available only to institutions and businesses that were able to pay thousands of accounts for the use of Internet access.

For the first time in Ukraine Utel provides a unique opportunity to see his companion thanks to its innovative service "video calls" the network Utel. Share video, and communicate in real time on the price of a standard voice call - a convenient way to communicate with family, friends and colleagues, in fact better to see once than to hear 100 times! To start a video call, just select the option "Video Call" on your mobile phone. The service is available to all subscribers Utel in range of a UMTS network without any additional configuration.

The quality of the mobile Internet from Utel too much higher than that of other operators - the speed of data transmission in the network Utel can reach up to 7,2

For all technical issues regarding ispolzovatya landline and internet attractiveness of CSOs in Kharkov you can call us at: 0-800-506-800 (calls from the network of Ukrtelecom free) or 777-00-51 (round) or write e-mail to: support@kharkov.ukrtel.net

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