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Unique Shopper. Style and shopping. the Best shops of clothes and footwear.

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  Название: Portal Unique-Shopper.com | Project CG Unique People
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Логотип Unique Shopper. Style and shopping the Best shops of clothes and footwear в Харькове
Portal Unique Shopper - the project for шопперов and women of fashion - the unique objective search engine of clothes, footwear and акссесуаров on the best boutiques. Community of the people united by subjects of a fashion, style, shopping, individuality, an aesthetics, inspiration …
  Адрес: Culture street, 11, Kharkov, Ukraine
  Район: metro station Scientific
  Режим работы: Pn-Pt from 9-00 till, Sb-Vs the day off
Service of those of support - round the clock

  Телефон, факс: + 38(057) 719-67-37, 719-67-47
  E-mail, WWW support@unique-shopper.com, www.unique-shopper.com
the Portal «Unique Shopper» is objective and qualitative on-line the base consisting from of thousand items of fashionable clothes, footwear and complete sets from it, on sale in real shops. Important and essentially, that on a portal those models of clothes and footwear which NOW - at the moment time are available in shops of networks of brands are presented only. As a result fashionable imaginations shoppers it is guaranteed become a reality. Plus to it users have possibility through system of fast messages on a portal to specify the information on presence of the concrete sizes of their interesting things in the shops connected to system, and also to reserve them.

the Portal «Unique Shopper» is connected with a fashion, reflects tendencies, informs on trends , but does not pursue the aim to dress all and everyone is strict by rules of a current season. Founders of this project put more a challenge - to help everyone shopper to understand, that from thousand articles of clothes and footwear goes to it and how most adequately and aesthetically to generate the external shape in conformity with private world. Any registered user has possibility to create personal fashionable on-line space.

Unique Shopper. Style and shopping

Сеть магазинов техники Comfy | Комфи Харьков :: Транспортная компания Оптимальное такси

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