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Z-Promo Group. Light, the Sound, Special effects, Culture and art.

     RU   UKR   ENG  
  Название: Z-Promo Group, SPDFL Zamlelyj A.A.
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Логотип Z-Promo Group Light, the Sound, Special effects, Culture and art в Харькове
the Organization cultural-massovih actions. Sale and rent sveto-technicians, zvuko-technicians, DJ the equipment, the equipment for spetsefektov

Orgazinatsija: presentations, corporate parties, concerts, exhibitions, banquets, discos, tours. Planning, working out and carrying out of the advertising companies. The show program, selection DJ. Instaljatsii on a turn-key basis night clubs, concert platforms, promo-actions.

  Адрес: Ukraine, Kharkov,
street of Marshal Bazhanov 21/23, 2nd floor, office 3

  Район: the Crossroads of street of M.Bazhanov and street Shevchenko,
opposite to club bowling, area of the Humpbacked bridge

  Режим работы: Monday - Friday from 10-00 till, without interruption
Days off - Saturday and Sunday

  Телефон, факс: 8(057) 751-91-85, 757-17-69, 751-30-44
mob: 8-050-637-79-15, 8-050-592-92-93
  E-mail, WWW zpromo@rambler.ru, d.j.zem@rambler.ru,


Company Z-Promo Group offers:

- Hire, rent: antiaircraft a projector, soap bubbles, dj.оборудование, flame throwers, the laser, fire simulators, aero-meny, a podium, konfeti

- Amplifiers: SoundStandart, CERVIN VEGA, CREST AUDIO, Magnetic, Carver Pro

- Ear-phones: Technics, Behringer


- Vinyl players, Microphones, AKG Microphones

- Spets-effects: CO-2, Water steam, Snow, Generators of foam and soap bubbles, the Smoke, Fire, the Heavy smoke, fire Simulators

- DJ mixers: KoolSound, Soundcraft Urei, Pioneer

- Mixers Behringer

- The Sound: Аlex audio, Cerwin-vega

- Light: Watching projectors, DMX controllers, Stroboscopes, Static light, Scenic light, the Scanner, Mirror spheres, Dimmernye blocks, Architectural illumination, The central devices, Effects of sound activation, Head, LED devices, Zinitnye projectors and SKY ROSE, the Laser, ROBE

- JBL-professional: Cinema, Studio monitors, Linear files, Universal

- Soundcraft: concert, universal, dj

- Crown: XLS-D Series, DSi Series, XTi Series, I-Tech Series, CTS Series, Macro-Tech VZ Series

Z-Promo Group, Light, the Sound, Special effects, Culture and arts

About company Z-Promo Group

We bring to your attention a complex of the services rendered Z-promo group in 2007 - 2008.

Into sphere of our activity enters:

. Trading activity.
· the organisation of art service and advancement in the market of services of cultural-mass institutions (night clubs, restaurants, discos etc.);
· working out and carrying out advertising and PR - campaigns;
· the organisation of private concerts and corporate holidays;
· installation of clubs, concert platforms etc. on a turn-key basis, hire of equipment and special effects;
· carrying out of festivals, competitions, city holidays, presentations, seminars, conferences etc.;
· the organisation of banquets, weddings, anniversaries and other small holidays;

This year, traditionally, we will aspire to show all the newest, the most colourful and the most unusual, that only can be in the field of mass shows. Ours pjatnadtsatiletny the operational experience and understanding of the given segment of the market will help with achievement of this purpose. The certificate of such statements, successful activity of institutions is, art - in which service we was engaged and engaged promo group: "Niagara " (1994 - 1997 of), "the Joker " (1994-1996 of), "Disco Ds-Центр-14 " (1994 - 1996), "Cultural Center HH1 ", "to Ball ", "LA NOTTE " (1997 - 2004 of), "Manhattan " (2000 - 2003 of) "the Gold Lion " (with 1996 - 2007 of), "Sandra " (with 1995 - 2007 of), and mn.dr.

Being the author and the producer of the musical project "the Dancing City ", we have let out 2 CDs and 11 audiocassettes of club music which successfully were on sale in post-Soviet territory territory (Ukraine, Russia, Belarus, the Baltic States) in wide sale.

Now, Z-promo group the potential for independent conducting trading and cultural - mass activity of a night institution of any level is saved up, there is all necessary that with own forces to provide ljubujuPromo-campaign, to create the project and to realise it (director's group, production-studio (audio - video-.), the design centre, advertising and PR-agency, musical department, etc.).

Z-Promo Group, Light, the Sound, Special effects, Culture and arts

Our constant clients were and are: Event service "Euphoria "; the Brewing company "Izjumsky beer "; the Kharkov regional volleyball club "the Kangaroo "; Avto-radio; Imidzhevyj magazine "the Poster "; Promo group "the Workshop of celebrations "; Promo group "Dancing Soul "; the MOVIE CENTRE; "Favоlа Di ora " and the Exhibition "Water parade " 2004,2005,2006,2007,2008.; the company "MKS "; the company "Domotehnika "; club "Multy Music "; club "Da Da Bar "; cultural centre HHI; a coffee house "Kofein "; T.o.art-studio; T.O. "the Master a holiday ", Avto-salons (Toyota, Skoda, Mersedes, Seat, Mitshubishi), RTS the Compass, restaurant Gallery, RTS the Collosseo, club of 7 days, TTS AVEK. This list can be continued and continued still...

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