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Fin-Land (Fin-Lend) Private enterprise. The service Finance, book keeping.

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  Название: Private enterprise "FIN-LEND" Fin-Land
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Логотип Fin-Land (Fin-Lend) Private enterprise The service Finance, book keeping в Харькове
Installation and support 1С the Enterprise 8.1 in Harkove. Conducting book keeping FLP, state of emergency, Open Company. Drawing up business of plans, statement of the administrative account, budgeting. Selection and training of the accounting personnel
  Адрес: 61052, Kharkov, street Poltava shljah, 56, of. 609
  Район: metro station Southern Station
  Режим работы: Monday-Saturday from 9-00 till
Sunday - the day off

  Телефон, факс: (8-057) 755-80-22, 755-80-23
mob. (8-066) 693-35-14
  E-mail, WWW www.fin-land.com.ua, 1c.finland@gmail.com
state of emergency "FIN-LEND"(FINLAND) renders a complex of services on:

- automation of the enterprises on the basis of software products "1С: the Enterprise 8.1". We specialise on working out, completion of existing configurations, support and software product support;
- to accounting support (from conducting some sites of the account before full accounting support); drawing up and reporting delivery (financial, statistical, tax); book keeping restoration;
- consulting services in business and management sphere: preparation of business plans, statement of the administrative account, budgeting;
- selection the personnel.

Registration of the enterprises

For realisation of any economic activities in Ukraine, both commercial (business), and noncommercial, is necessary to receive the status of the subject of managing, i.e. to carry out registration of the legal person or the physical person-businessman.
To predetermine successful work in the future, at opening of the new enterprise it is necessary to make legally correctly registration, for this purpose it is necessary to receive all necessary certificates and correctly to make all authorised papers, notices from pravoustanavlivajushchih bodies and inspections.
State of emergency "FIN-LEND" is ready to offer the services in the field of the state registration of the enterprises (FLP, state of emergency, Open Company) for your business.

Accounting support

Before to speak about accounting outsourcing, we will recollect that according to the Law of Ukraine «About book keeping and the financial reporting in Ukraine» book keeping at the enterprise is conducted continuously from the date of registration of the enterprise before its liquidation. We will not list all functions of book keeping, we will simply notice, that it is necessary for efficient control your business.
For whom a secret, what even at the most "safe" enterprise book keeping is far from perfect. In the conditions of constantly varying Ukrainian Legislation, a considerable quantity of financial and statistical forms of the reporting, such requirement to book keeping as timeliness, leaves much to be desired. And after all it provides acceptance of operative administrative decisions.
Even more often the Ukrainian enterprises use outsourcing, that is services of external professional services. Accounting outsourcing name external accounts department, i.e. actually this conducting book keeping of the enterprise by the foreign company-executor.

Account Automation on base "1С the Enterprise"

The company "FIN-LEND" is engaged in automation of the enterprises on the basis of software products "1С: the Enterprise 8.1". We specialise on working out, completion of existing configurations, support and software product support.
We spend for the clients free demonstration of software products of firm "1С", at the office or with departure on territory of the customer. In the course of demonstration our experts, preliminary having familiarised with the basic requirements on specificity of the account at your enterprise, will show you functionality of corresponding software product and will answer all your questions.
Complex automation of the account at the enterprise is a set of actions on creation and introduction of information system for conducting the account of any information on the activity of the enterprise demanded by the customer for efficient control by business.

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