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The Kharkov Regional Protection, OiB. Protection and safety.

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  Название: the Kharkov regional protection, Protection and Safety
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Логотип The Kharkov Regional Protection, OiB Protection and safety в Харькове
  Описание: Legal basis of activity of our enterprise
- the licence of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine series AA №604789 from October, 3rd 2003 g
- the licence of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine series AB №221504 from August, 12th, 2005

-Services in installation and service of systems of video observation, installation of coded locks, domofonnyh systems and turnstiles;
-Services in installation and service of the security, disturbing and fire alarm system;
-Maintenance service of systems of safety within 24 hours;
-Protection of the enterprises, perimetre, objects, rooms and property the panel of the centralised supervision;
-Protection of apartments and summer residences on GSM - to the channel in territory of Kharkov and the Kharkov area;
-Reaction to operation of the alarm system by detention groups;
-Delivery of systems of video observation and the security alarm system;

  Адрес: Ukraine, 61012, Kharkov, street Poltava shljah, 18
  Район: Lenin
  Режим работы: daily, round the clock
  Телефон, факс: (8-057 759-16-49, 751-80-53, 751-80-54
  E-mail, WWW info@ohrana-ua.com, www.ohrana-ua.com
Open Company «Kharkov regional protection» performs following works and services:
- Perimetre protection;
- Protection of objects;
- Protection of the enterprises;
- Protection of offices;
- Protection of apartments;
- Protection of cargoes;
- Panel protection;
- Bodyguard;
- Private protection;
- Private security;
- GSM - protection;
- Protection and video observation;
- Protection and safety;
- Protection systems - installation and service;
- Access systems - installation and service;
- The security alarm system - installation and service;
- Safety of business;
- Security services at support the VIP - clients;
- Protection contracts on services;
- Reaction of groups of detention on srabotki protection systems.

Open Company «Kharkov regional protection» is created in 2002 by highly skilled experts in the field of maintenance of safety of the business, having wide experience of work both in protection Public service at the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine and in not state security structures.

The basic sphere of activity - services in protection of objects with application of means, connection to own panel of the centralised supervision with reaction to disturbing messages and a liability, designing and installation of systems of the security alarm system, systems of access, video observation etc.

The firm has licences of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, received when due hereunder. We pursue a policy of use of the advanced means and technologies at the decision of problems of safety.

One of principal views of activity of our firm in Kharkov is granting of services in the field of safety of business. On our panel which works in a round-the-clock mode, we can receive the information from devices of the automatic security and fire alarm system on a cellular network of standard GSM-900.

Devices are established on different objects of a city of Kharkov and area. Devices register and transfer all information on disturbing signals to our panel which processes it and classifies.

At the moment at us under supervision of the panel of the centralised supervision (PTSN) is over 450 objects of Kharkov and the Kharkov area, and also more than 160 apartments and private home ownerships.

All information is concentrated in a computer database and it is automatically given to the operator at receipt of a disturbing signal.

Operators accept the information arriving from objects, direct groups of reaction to departure or help clients to understand the situations arising at operation of devices of the automatic alarm system.

Reaction Groups carry out operative departures on cars on the arrived disturbing signals. They are supplied by the necessary information: the address of object, a way of an entrance what izveshchatel has given out a disturbing signal and its location, whether proceeds penetration attempt.

We have qualified technicians who is engaged in service of devices of the security, fire alarm system and communication lines. Except disturbing messages on our panel messages on malfunctions (electric system breakage, communication line breakage between the device and izveshchatelem, malfunction of the accumulator, a sound siren and so on) arrive. If the device has given up completely, we too will find out it on absence of a test parcel. This information collects and processed on the personal computer of our panel and it is given to attendants.

All objects in firm are protected with a liability.

In our firm highly skilled electrical engineers who carry out installation of systems of the security alarm system, systems of computer video observation and access systems work.

Open Company «Kharkov regional protection» has wide experience on protection of banks. Our firm projected and carried out installation of systems of the security alarm system for Ukrsibbanka, Ukrsotsbank, Privatbank, Express bank, bank "Nadra".segodnja in contractual relations with us are: Privatbank, bank "Nadra", Ukrsotsbank, a network of shops "Selpo", «5 element», business - centre "Proton" etc.

The firm motto "New horizons of safety", reflects our aspiration as much as possible to provide requirements of our clients.

Our address: 61012, Kharkov, street Poltava shljah, 18.
Ph. (057)-759-16-49, 751-80-53, 751-80-54,
the Fax (057)-759-16-48

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