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art Textiles. House textiles.

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  Название: BILIZNA, the magician. f.« art textiles »
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Логотип art Textiles House textiles в Харькове
  Описание: Sleeping accessories, blankets, pillows, mattresses
  Адрес: 61002, Kharkov, street of Darwin, 1
  Район: ---
  Режим работы:
  Телефон, факс: (8-057 706-08-71
  E-mail, WWW arttextil@lin.com.ua, www.art-tekstile.dp.ua
Open Company Company "art Textiles " works in the market of Ukraine since 1998. Our production is represented by three trade marks "Білизна ", "Organza ", "Asia ".

Having begun more 8 years ago from 1 shop on sale of textile production, for today, we, the trading network working across all Ukraine.

Qualitative production, high degree of service, individual approach to each client - here key rules which our firm adheres.

Think, you spend what part of a life to beds! Some the most part, and on the statistican the usual inhabitant of globe about third. Really you will disregard a place in which spend so considerable time? The Bed - is rest, pleasure, pleasure. It calms, attracts, raises, therefore bed a subject of your special care and attention. On December, 1st, 2004 all from natural fabrics, such as a clap, a wool and natural silk was executed seven years of a network of shops "Білизна " which offers you the best bed-clothes, soft pillows, blankets, towels, fashionable dressing gowns. After a dream on bed-clothes from shops "Білизна " you feel had a rest and full of forces, your body will be filled with energy and beauty. Buy the best in a network of shops "Билизна" after all a healthy dream-it pledge of vivacity and good mood. As do not turn, and we spend third of life in a dream. So we are arranged, that without a high-grade dream we become irritable, inadequate, we think is worse, we react more slowly. And the reason often, ridiculously simple - it is necessary to look more attentively only on what we sleep, than we take cover, what trifles surround us in a bedroom. What to do? Not to panic, lay down to itself the aim to visit any of a network of shops "Білизна " and to equip the life. In a cold season it is especially pleasant to luxuriate in warm bed. It can memory of our childhood when we felt such protected?! When you personally will see blankets presented in shops "Білизна " will understand, that blankets for all tastes here are presented: woollen, down, with artificial napolnitelem for allergikov, winter and facilitated, unary and double on buttons, All-weather any sizes. Pillows in shops "Билизна" on the most exacting taste: Besides traditional down and woollen pillows are available also lateksnye-orthopedic which support a cervical backbone, physicians recommend them for people suffering an osteochondrosis. Women and the men who are carefully watching the appearance, know, that occurrence of wrinkles prevents use of small flat pillows. In shops "Білизна ", will find also such, as in other and pillows-platens, for especially advanced. Well matched to pillows and blankets and offered by shops "Білизна " bed-clothes complete sets made of 100 % of a clap (linona, sateen and makosatina). The variety of tones and colouring will force you to become puzzled simply: what to choose is better? The fruit, flower, sea and classical subjects are only small list of colouring of bed-clothes. Here again only one exit to wake in itself the designer and independently to choose the complete set to taste. Among offered trifles: Novelties kitchen sets various dizajnov and colouring (kitchen towels, prihvatki, gloves, pillows for chairs), kitchen sets in pletennyh baskets and in gift packings.a as so-called sweat-purri with smells of the diversified colours and grasses.

You all it can buy in a gift for the relatives and friends. Visit the shop nearest to you "Білизна " - and let the good mood stays in your house all day long and since evening till the morning. "Білизна " loves all clients and visitors, and each your new purchase becomes for you a holiday.

Wake up the happy!

The Network of shops "БIЛИЗНА ":

Street Lenin's Quay, 27,
(0562 34-19-49
Tchkalov's street, 35, (0562 39-21-92
Gagarin's avenue, 40, (0562 39-85-36
Charles Marx's avenue, 121, (056 744-07-43
pr Charles Marx, 82, (0562 38-60-45
bul. Zorjanyj, 1, TTS "Dafi " 1 et.

Lenin's avenue, 50, TTS "Europe ",
(05692 7-74-58

Street Big Zhitomir, 40, (044 272-13-61
Street Boggoutovsky, 17, TTS "the Promenade "
Street Krasnoarmejsky, 72,
TTS "Olympic "
Malinovsky's street, 12 TTS "the Metropolis "
Balzac's street, 2а, TTS "Global "

Street of Artem, 148, (0622 58-50-55
Street of Artem, 116, (062 311-12-19
Street of Artem, 50а TTS "the Planet ", (062 385-36-64
bul. Pushkin, 20, (062 381-00-86

Street Ekaterina's, 52, (0482 34-59-70
Street Zhukovsky, 17, (0482 22-33-10
Square Cathedral, 1, (0482 33-53-90

Street of Darwin, 1, (057 706-08-71
Lenin's avenue, 24, (057 702-03-90
Street University, 20, (057 760-12-65
Street of Academician Pavlova, 144, TTS "Space "

Lenin's avenue, 147, TTS "Ukraine "
(0612 20-46-10
Victory street, 42, (0612 49-02-54

Street Soviet, 5, (0642 65-62-68
Street 15 line, 19, (0642 53-61-34

Gagarin's street, 100, (06452 5-27-37

Street May Day, 44, (0536 79-19-82
bul. Pushkin, 15а, (0536 74-26-57

Avenue Bogdana Khmelnitskiy, 10,
TTS "the Foxtrot "
Street of Kirov, 37а, (0619 42-18-23

Avenue of Builders, 72а, (0629 34-66-07
Avenue of Metallurgists, 53, (0629 41-06-94

Street of Kirov, 16/14, (0652 51-08-18

Street Big Sea, 33,
(0692 54-17-36

Lenin's 171 street, (0512 55-14-30

Street Bitter, 166, (05632 6-38-09

World street, 9, (0532 52-08-80
TD to Frunze 20 and

Avenue of General Ushakov, 85, (0552 46-10-56

Krivoi Rog
Street Dimitrova, 39, (0564 74-19-57

Street Volkova, 2, TTS "the Buffet table " 2 et.
(0522 36-04-09

Avenue Shevchenko, 13.

The Network of salons of curtains and curtains "ORGANZA ":


Street Lenin's Quay, 27,
(0562 34-16-60
Avenue of Kirov, 121, (056 373-76-39

Street of Artem, 116, (062 311-12-19

Lenin's avenue, 141, (0612 13-56-86

Street Zhukovsky, 17, (0487 22-33-10

The Network of salons of carpets "Asia ":

Street Lenin's Quay, 27,
(0562 34-19-49
Tchkalov's street, 35, (0562 39-21-92

Street of Artem. 116, (062 311-12-19

Victory street, 42, (0612 49-02-54

Street Zhukovsky, 17, (0482 22-33-10

Street of Darwin, 1, (057 706-08-71


Think, you spend what part of a life to beds! Some the most part, and on the statistican the usual inhabitant of globe about third. Really you will disregard a place in which spend so considerable time? The Bed - is rest, pleasure, pleasure. It calms, attracts, raises, therefore bed a subject of your special care and attention.

As do not turn, and we spend third of life in a dream. So we are arranged, that without a high-grade dream we become irritable, inadequate, we think is worse, we react more slowly. And the reason often ridiculously simple - it is necessary to look more attentively only on what we sleep, than we take cover, what trifles surround us in a bedroom. What to do? Not to panic, lay down to itself the aim to visit any of a network of shops "Bilizna" and to equip the life.

«Бiлизна» is a network of specialised shops of Ukraine which offers you the best bed-clothes, soft pillows, blankets, towels, fashionable dressing gowns, all from natural fabrics, such as a clap, a wool and silk. After a dream on bed-clothes of shops "Бiлизна" you feel, had a rest and full of forces, your body is filled with energy and beauty. Buy the best in a network of shops "Bilizna" after all a healthy dream-it pledge of vivacity and good mood.

"Asia "

... The Basis of carpets of salon "Asia " remains only qualitative natural raw materials. It, salon "Asia " achieves not only uniqueness of carpets, but also promotes environment preservation. Are used only a wool; a clap and silk in the pure state.

These materials possess all properties, allowing to make a qualitative carpet with magnificent appearance. The high density provides to a carpet durability, the cotton basis gives to a carpet durability and flexibility, carpets on a silk basis are very highly appreciated - they are practical and durable. Thanks to dyes of a phytogenesis salon carpets "Asia " do not burn out at hit of direct solar beams, and for a long time keep all colour scale and natural shine salon Carpets "Asia " does not demand special leaving at operation; are successfully entered in any interior, giving to your apartment, a cottage, a summer residence unique charm and a cosiness.

In our world of eternal haste and vanity, bystromenjajushchejsja a fashion and production of mass consumption they became a rarity - the things created by hands, in calmness and harmony with world around. Our carpets concern such things also - everyone is unique. Made on ancient technologies, they, nevertheless, all paints, design, spirit reflect our epoch. This connection of ancient art and modern design is the main distinctive line of our carpets. Our artists and designers in long creative process create themes for their subsequent embodiment in finished articles. Their creative imagination thus does not know borders: the abstract water colour, strictly linear drawing or filigree detalirovanie - all becomes possible. The material and craft become on service to idea of the artist, traditions and the present merge in a single whole. In end of this long process there are models of the carpets which aesthetic suspension reflects fruitful cultural cooperation. People of different nationalities, religions and races in common create a work of art. The high requirements shown to an end-product, collect skilful vjazalshchikov carpets from all traditional "carpet " regions. For achievement of interest and motivation of work vjazalshchiki receive payment according to quality of their work. All process from planning before manufacturing occurs very intensively. Vjazalshchiki and their families have set sotsialny> advantages. Also the care of children in kindergartens v a day nursery, school education and health services here concerns.

Детские спортивные клубы, центрыДетские и юношеские клубы, центры досуга и творчества в Харькове :: ГРАНД ТЕКСТИЛЬ, магазин тканей в Харькове

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