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Pure light, salon shop. Home appliances Kerher.

     RU   UKR   ENG  
  Название: KARCHER, Open Company salon-shop Pure light
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Логотип Pure light, salon shop Home appliances Kerher в Харькове
  Описание: Minisinks, Vacuum cleaners, Paroochistiteli
The professional technics: For sink avto, For cleaning of buildings and territories, For the Industry and Agriculture
The autoservice equipment - manufacture, realisation
Home appliances - manufacture, realisation
The harvest equipment and services
Chemical production
  Адрес: 61001, Kharkov, street Plehanovsky, 41/43
  Район: the m. item Sports
  Режим работы:
  Телефон, факс: (8-057 732-35-40, 732-38-96
  E-mail, WWW prom@karcher.kh.ua, www.chisty-svet.com.ua
About the company

Our company has been based in March, 1994, as firm on operation of buildings, including maintenance service and cleaning. Since 1995 the division which is engaged in delivery of the equipment and materials for cleaning, clearing and a sink is formed. As a result of successful development, by 1998 we have united group of firms conducting work in Russia, Ukraine and Belarus in the uniform company "Pure light ".

In the end of 2006 the company "Pure light " has registered own trademark "Purely technician ".

We offer.

For today the company «Pure light» is the largest official representative and the supplier of the equipment, stock and chemistry of known world manufacturers KARCHER (Germany), ANNOVI REVERBERI (Italy), TENNANT (USA), BLACK&DECKER (USA), OERTZEN (Germany), KAMAT (Germany), VDM (Italy), FARMOS (Finland).

For qualitative service of our Clients in Ukraine openly and successfully representations of the company and the service centres in 20 cities in which works more than 600 employees function. The format of representations, without fail, includes department of sales, a showroom, the service centre, a regional warehouse. Such approach to work allows us to incur obligations and operatively to work with Clients.

For service of our Clients the authorised service centre - the first in Ukraine has been opened. During long-term work the service centre has been noted by numerous titles and awards for qualitative servicing. Namely, «the best seller of equipment KARCHER» 1999г., «the Best authorised partner in Ukraine» 2002г., «the Best seller of year in Ukraine» 2004г., «the Special prize for a complex of marketing actions» 2004г. All employees of the company pass annual training with attraction of experts of concern KARCHER, and also raise the qualification on special trainings and seminars in Germany. Our service experts have certificates on performance of all kinds of works on all types of the equipment of concern KARCHER.

Our purpose.

Leadership in the market of the uborochno-washing equipment of Ukraine, based on an effective combination of skills and abilities of the personnel of the company, means, tools and technologies of management for achievement of the purposes of the Company and its Clients.

We reach the purposes with the help:

1. Rich practical experience in questions of selection, delivery and equipment service.

2. Operative work with Clients.

3. The trained and certificated personnel of service service.

4. Authorised service centre KARCHER.

5. Rostushchej the branched out service network.

6. Constant presence in warehouses of account materials and spare parts to the equipment (in all warehouses).

7. Successful workings out and introduction of technical decisions.

8. Supports at a design stage and buildings.

9. Guarantees on the delivered equipment.

10. poslegarantijnogo service and maintenance with spare parts on favourable terms.

11. Correctly calculated harvest programs.

12. Effective arrangement of the personnel on object and so on.

We invite you to mutually advantageous cooperation!

The avenue Moscow, 21
t/f 8(044) 464-63-93, 467-76-14, 476-76-34

bul. Perov, 44
t/f 8(044) 332-64-41

World street, 5
t/f 8(044) 558-34-35

Avenue of Kalinin, 8 and 10
t/f 8(0562) 36-50-10

Gagarin's avenue, 131
t/f 8(0562) 33-53-89, 33-53-89

Street Green, 61
t/f 8(032)294-95-26/27/28

Street ShChorsa, 45
t/f 8(062) 381-14-42, 381-13-14

bul. SHevchenka, 6
t/f 8(062) 335-15-75, 335-17-67

Khmelnitskiy shose, 18
t/f 8(0432) 55-49-80; 61-16-45

Avenue of Metallurgists, 99
t/f 8(0629) 34-34-97, mob. 8(050) 444-64-25

Street Bitter, 19
t/f 8(0542) 61-21-01; 22-51-65

Gogol's street, 35
t/f 8(0692) 49-92-33

Street Pasterovsky, 102/1, of 202
t/f 8(0472) 64-11-84

Victory street, 31
t/f 8(061) 224-18-17/18

Lenin's avenue, 190
t/f 8(061) 270-51-71

Ivano - Frankovsk:
Street Galitsky, 32
t/f 8(03422) 4-00-96

Street Plehanovsky, 41/43
t/f 8(057) 732-38-96, 732-35-40

Street Poltava shljah, 29
t/f 8(057) 712-10-36, 732-35-40

The avenue of Will 52, of. 56
t.f. 8(03322) 4-91-78

Street Frunze, 145
t/f 8(0532) 59-25-11

Street Shevchenka, 6
t.f. 8(0382) 79-55-20

Street Ljagina, 10
t/f 8(0512) 47-37-66

Street Pushkin, 22
t/f 8(048) 715-51-59, 716-59-87

Street Ekaterina's, 47
t/f 8(048) 724-79-71

Street Water, 10
t/f 8(048) 724-78-52

Street of 60 years of October, 55
t/f 8(0536) 79-38-36

It is equal:
Avenue Worlds, 13, office 13
t/f 8(0362) 26-87-36

Street Soviet, 10
t/f 8(0642) 59-90-77

Street ShChorsa, 26
t/f 8(0412) 46-47-37

Street Kiev, 65
t/f 8(067) 328-32-16

Krivoi Rog:
Street Kosiora, 48
t/f 8(056) 409-35-30
The Card "Pure light " - is our satisfied clients

We invite you to get acquainted with possibilities and advantages of work with the company «Pure light-to» having visited our representations and the service centres located on all Ukraine - Kiev, Dnepropetrovsk, Donetsk, Lvov, Odessa, Kharkov, Vinnitsa, Zaporozhye, Sevastopol, Mariupol, Poltava, Sumy, Nikolaev, Kremenchug, Ivano - Frankovsk, Cherkassy, Khmelnitskiy, Lugansk, Exactly, Lutsk! You estimate our service and professionalism.

The company «Pure light» has 10 summer successful operational experience in the Ukrainian market, and offers the Clients the specialised equipment, inzhiniringovye decisions and services in realisation both typical, and difficult exclusive Projects in following directions:

-Equipment by the equipment of autowashing complexes. You can familiarise with results of our work on such objects, as: ATP the Cabinet of Ukraine, ATP the Supreme Rada of Ukraine, ATP Administrations of the president of Ukraine, network AZK the Gold Cheetah, AZK Lukoil, AZK the multinational corporation, Vinner Automotive; Corporation UKRAVTO, UKRPROMINVEST, AIS, Privat avto; Autotrading; ATP Ukrtrans, BM the Trance; factory ZAZ; Kievtransgaz, AZK UkrTatNafta, factory CocaCola and many other things...

-Equipment by the equipment and the complex decision of technological questions at the industrial enterprises, agricultural complexes, firms and the organisations. Results of our work speak for themselves, in divisions Ukrzal_znits_ and Ukrtransgaza. At such enterprises, as Kovelmoloko (TM Гурманіка) and Shostkinsky gormolkombinat (TM SHostka); Rozhishchensky syrzavod (TM Siri Volin і) and Joint-Stock Company Agromars (TM Гавріловські kurchata); Pridneprovsky combine (TM Zlagoda) and association SANDORA; Velikoburluksky syrzavod (TM Siri Burluka) and dairy factory Rejnford; the Agro-union and many other.

-Equipment by the professional harvest and washing equipment, stock and chemistry of various Objects. Such as factory Coca-Cola; a network of building supermarkets Epicentre; a network of supermarkets Сільпо; Open Company "Атем"; Broadcasting Company the Globe; TTS the Bridge; the Donetsk railway; a hotel complex «Yalta Intourist» and "Oreanda" and many other

-Granting kliningovyh services, according to European quality standard ISO 9001, Magicians the Center in Vinnitsa, and on other Objects have estimated on Open Society «Nizhnedneprovsky pipe-rolling factory», in centre Global UA, in a network of supermarkets the Buffet table and Eko a market, TTS.

- Working out and introduction unique inzhiniringovyh decisions and exclusive projects which are successfully realised in Drogobychsky carload depot (promyvochno-proparochnaja station for tanks), at factory Avto ZAZ (a line of check of hermetic sealing of bodies of cars), on autowashing complex PrivatAvto on an automatic contactless sink of cars (SNN 8000), on complexes of sanitary processing molokovoznyh tanks, and also systems of a foamy sink of the equipment and shops of the enterprises of food branch.

Experts of the company «Pure light» constantly raise the qualification and professionalism, regularly pass specialised training and take part in trainings and seminars. In «Pure light-to» you always receive answers, recommendations and optimum decisions, in equipment questions the washing and harvest equipment of any Object. Only in «Pure light-to» you receive really an individual approach:

- Working out of a technological part of the project taking into account requirements and wishes of the customer with registration of necessary drawings, specifications and an explanatory note;

- Full support and technical consultation concerning technology and the organisation of process of a sink at a design stage and buildings;

- Granting podmennogo the equipment for the period of repair;

- Personnel training;

- Preparation of working programs and calculation of washing-up liquids;

- "Live" demonstration of possibilities of the equipment;

- Operative reaction to references of Clients

- The certificated authorised Service centres in 16 cities of Ukraine and more than 40 service engineers;

- Performance of procedural works throughout the Warranty period;

- The Contract conclusion on poslegarantijnoe service;

- The fullest assortment of the equipment, stock and chemistry of leading world manufacturers, maintenance optimum complex the decision for each concrete Client (the equipment - accessories - stock-chemistry - account materials - spare parts etc.);

- Certificated production;

- The minimum term and convenience of delivery of the goods (company warehouses are located in 16 cities of Ukraine); Possibility of acquisition of the goods with instalments;

- Special and memory discounts;

- Flexible conditions of payment.

We offer the best decisions!

KARCHER, выставочный зал ООО Ювента :: ИВИК-ХАРЬКОВ, ООО

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