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UIAK. University of Internal Affairs of Kharkiv.

     RU   UKR   ENG  
  Название: Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs
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Логотип UIAK University of Internal Affairs of Kharkiv в Харькове
  Описание: Higher educational institutions of Kharkov
  Адрес: Ukraine, Kharkov, Ave 50 th anniversary of the USSR, 27
  Район: Chervonozavodsky area
  Режим работы:
  Телефон, факс: Reception of Rector
+3 (057) 73-98-110; 73-98-110

receiving first vice-rector of the University of educational and methodical work
+3 (057) 73-98-246, 73-98-246, 73-98-191,

Reception of the University Provost for Research
+3 (057) 73-98-004; 3-98-004

selection committee
+3 (057) 739-83-00; 739-83-00; 739-80-10

  E-mail, WWW www.univd.edu.ua
Today Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs - higher education institution of the IV level of accreditation. Fruitfully work in University 42 professors and doctoral degrees, 350 associate professors, Ph.D. to prepare personnel for all departments of the Interior. The University has Graduate and adjuncture for the preparation of scientific and teaching staff in 13 specialties. At the University there are also four specialized scientific council on soiskatelstvu academic degrees of doctor and candidate of sciences.

As part HNUVD are six educational and research institutions : training for departmental inquiries and investigations, training of criminal militia training public security police, psychology, management, social and information technology, distance learning and distance education staff internal affairs bodies, the rights and mass communications, as well as Kirovograd Institute of Law, Law Institute of Kherson, Sumy branch.

Departments of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs
- Educational and Research Institute, training for the units of investigation and inquiry HNUVD
- Educational and Research Institute, training of criminal militia HNUVD
- Educational and Research Institute, training of public safety militia HNUVD
- Educational and Research Institute, psychology, management, social and information technologies HNUVD
- Educational and Research Institute of Distance and Distance Learning staff ATS HNUVD
- Educational and Research Institute of Law and Mass Communications HNUVD
- Kirovograd Law Institute HNUVD
- Kherson Law Institute HNUVD
- Sumy branch HNUVD

Pride of Kharkov National University of Internal Affairs of Kharkiv is a specialized boarding school Lycee police. Lycee police - is of secondary schools II-III degree with intensive study of subjects of the social and humanitarian focus and pre-professional training (in-depth Legal and enhanced physical fitness, training young men ready to serve in the internal affairs bodies and the formation of skills necessary for life).

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