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Medical centre Evviva. Medicine.

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  Название: Medical centre Evviva, Open Company " the Firmament "
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Логотип Medical centre Evviva Medicine в Харькове
All kinds of medical services, the urgent help, the cosmetology centre, the stomatologic centre, plastic and reconstructive surgery.
Specialities of the medical-diagnostic centre: the therapist the gynecologist the surgeon the ophthalmologist the doctor of ultrasonic diagnostics dermatolog dermatovenerolog gastroenterolog the pediatrist the orthopedist-traumatologist endokrinolog the psychotherapist the otolaryngologist refleksoterapevt the anaesthesiologist the urologist mammolog the proctologist the radiologist the neurosurgeon the physiatrist the plastic surgeon the doctor of an urgent condition the masseur of the Speciality of the stomatologic centre: the therapist the orthopedist ortodont paradontolog
  Адрес: Ukraine, Kharkov, street Sumy, 90
  Район: centre
  Режим работы: 9-00 till 20-00
  Телефон, факс: Branch of urgent medical aid
ROUND THE CLOCK - 10603, 700-33-03, 8-050-403-39-03

The medical-diagnostic centre (057 715 - 67 - 63
The stomatologic centre (057 758 - 66 - 88
The cosmetology centre (057 715 - 67 - 61
The centre of plastic surgery (057 714 - 09 - 12
  E-mail, WWW Info@evviva.com.ua, www.nebosvod.com, www.evviva.com.ua
Medical centre Eviva works in the market of medical services of of Kharkov since 1992. Today MTS Eviva is versatile clinic of the European level - clinic of complex treatment and improvement of the person. On the basis of the medical centre are created: the medical-diagnostic centre, the stomatologic centre, the centre efferentnoj therapies, the centre of plastic surgery, clinic of aesthetic cosmetology and branch of urgent medical aid in-home. Conclusive advantage of the medical centre is possibility of reception of full volume of the medical-advisory, stomatologic, cosmetology help concentrated in one place.

The License from 22.03.2006 №049454 Series АB

In our centre for treatment of patients the advanced are used, at times unique techniques. Any technique of treatment steals up to patients individually after full complex inspection. All treatment is spent is out-patient, in the conditions of clinic, at any time convenient for you. You can with the big accuracy, the minimum expense of time in comfortable conditions to learn all about the health, to reveal available problems, to establish their original cause and to define individual course of treatment.

Address in our centre any person without dependence from age and a residence can. It is not obligatory to you to have an insurance policy or a special direction, and presence of any documents and researches on your problem only is welcomed by attending physicians. Do not postpone the decision of problems on then. Take care about family health to give each other happiness long years!

Conclusive advantage of our medical-diagnostic centre is possibility of reception of full volume of the medical-advisory help concentrated in one place.

Comprise :: ЭКОМЕД, ЧП, Медицинский центр

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