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HSS. KP «KharkovSpetsServis», DP «Kharkovspetssbyt». Protection and safety.

HSS. KP «KharkovSpetsServis», DP «Kharkovspetssbyt». Protection and safety.

"KP «KharkovSpetsServis»"
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HSS. KP «KharkovSpetsServis», DP «Kharkovspetssbyt». Protection and safety.
KP "Kharkovspetsservis" is the largest organisation of Ukraine giving to the clients a full spectrum of services in maintenance pozharobezopasnosti of objects.

The Organization is engaged in realisation of such well-known protection frames from fire, as fire extinguishers, fire hoses, and also means of maintenance of fire safety of objects, such as devices kontrolno-receptions, panels of the centralised supervision of objects, designing and installation of systems of the fire alarm system and pozharotushenija, and also an expert estimation of current level pozharobezopasnosti object and many other things.

The Order of fire extinguishers from 100 pieces - delivery free of charge in any region of Ukraine!

61103 Ukraines, Kharkov, street Derevjanko, 3

   Режим работы:
it is specified

Pavlovo a field

(057) 758-81-89, (057) 345-10-57
067-574-92-88, 067-574-92-77

xcc@ukr.net, xcc1@i.ua
Site KP «KharkovSpetsServis»
   www. XCC.org.ua

   Как проехать:

it is specified (the m. item on August, 23rd)

Как проехать: KP «KharkovSpetsServis»   KP

Komunalnoe the Enterprise « a KharkovSpesService » Branch « ХарьковСпецСбыт»
Sale of the fire-prevention equipment.

Heads connecting pressure head
Connecting soaking up heads (TUU 29) are intended for connection of pressure head sleeves among themselves and the fire equipment. Heads are made for areas with the moderate, cold and tropical climate

Fire extinguishers powder. Fire extinguishers uglekislotnye

Installations powder automatic suppression.
Indicators of pressure for fire extinguishers (back joining).

Type LM06-011 (spring type, M10x1x12,5). Are intended for the pressure control in zakachnyh portable fire extinguishers.

Sleeves firemen pressure head
ZPU for portable powder fire extinguishers

Komunalnoe the Enterprise « ХарьковСпецСервис» Branch « ХарьковСпецСбыт»

Services KP KharkovSpecService

Estimation of a fire-prevention condition of objects

Estimation of a fire-prevention condition of premises, structures, territories, technological processes of manufacture to fire-prevention requirements of operating statutory acts concerning fire-prevention safety. The list of the fire-prevention actions necessary for reduction of object in a fireproof condition

Design-budget works. Automatic installations of the fire and security alarm system. Automatic systems pozharotushenija:
- Water, gas
- Powder
- Foamy, aerosol
- Notification systems at a fire

Installation of the automatic fire alarm system and pozharotushenija - installation of the modern domestic and import equipment with the subsequent connection to the panel of the centralised supervision

Electrotechnical measurements - Resistance of isolation of electric conducting resistance of a contour of grounding and molniezashchity electroprotection parametres according to requirements Energonadzora of the State fire protection, goshoznadzorohrantruda Ukraine

Service of fire extinguishers - sale, refuelling and maintenance service of fire extinguishers of all types.

Installation fire-prevention a collar, doors, smoke hatches with a fire resistance limit.

Fireproof processing of designs wood and Metal designs and cable production the certificated structure

Flues, furnaces, ventilation. Check of smoke and ventilating channels. Vydachanormativnyh documents. The conclusion and certificates about serviceability of smoke and ventilating channels

Monitoring of a fire-prevention condition of objects